
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013......a bit of a ROLLER COASTER RIDE

As I reflect over the past year, the words UNEXPECTED, CHANGE, TRANSITION and LOSS come to mind. Blogging is a bit like keeping a journal, something I have never had any success at, in the past. So, to realize I have been consistently blogging for the past three years is exciting. It's wonderful to be able to look back over the last years...lest I forget things, which I have been known to do on occasion, alright on a regular basis.

First things first, in the year 2012, I was shocked to discover only one quilt finish....I made a conscious decision to change that.

I'm pleased to report SEVEN finishes in the year 2013!!!!

Entering Ripple Effect II in the Modern Quilt Challenge and having it win first place in the Piecing Category was definitely a highlight. Having my quilt travel for a year is the icing on the cake......I do love my icing!!! 

An unexpected request, from Meander publishing, to write a two part article on Quilt-As-You-Go proved to be rather challenging as I had to do my own photography as well, but seeing my work rewarding.

 Another unexpected call led to Aura I  featured in the Limelight section of Modern Quilts Unlimited. I was actually standing in Staples getting Ripple Effect II ready for mailing, when my cell phone rang. Next thing I knew, I was off doing a photo shoot at Beacon Hill Park.

Having Colour Shot in Amy Ellis's article, in Modern Patchwork, was another lovely surprise. I ordered the magazine not realizing it was in yes I admit....... it sort of really made my day!!!
So glad Leanne talked me into going to Quilt Con!!!!!!! 

Teaching at my first amazing experience for me, with a retreat recap still to come.

Moving.....which occurred a few days after the retreat, crazy times!!! 

I actually learned to love leeches that is UNEXPECTED. 

My son experienced loss, but I'm so happy to report he has not lost his positive spirit.......a hero in my eyes. Love you, Mark!!!!

Speaking of loss.......I'm forty pounds down since last year at this time, and my knees are thanking me!!

It's been a year of ups and downs....I hit my sixtieth birthday and my fortieth wedding anniversary, milestones indeed. Some days the roller coaster ride left me reeling......did I mention I'm not particularly fond of roller coasters?? So in the midst of personal triumph, there have been tears as hope is to find  creative inspiration in both.

Here's to a wonderful New Year


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

 With so many other things calling my attention, Christmas sort of crept up on me this year. My kids from Montreal arrived yesterday and suddenly it's Christmas Eve. A cookie bake with two three-year-olds and two one-year-olds playing in the back ground, set the pace for the festivities of the next few days.

The Cookie Bake.
 I even managed a solitary walk this afternoon.  So peaceful, sort of the calm before the storm.

Have a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Enough with the Moving and Unpacking!!!!

It's official, I'm taking a break from anything moving and unpacking related!!! And that's final!!!! As long as the main living spaces of the house are livable, I'm good for now. 
 As you can see....things are starting to shape up for now. Aren't those those the most amazing, adjustable stools I just "happened on" the other day!! It's incredible what one can find at Homesense. 
A new round table for the kitchen. 
 The living room is coming along as well....the old furniture went downstairs and off we went furniture shopping.
 Some new, modern type, french doors seem to give the place a little more updated feel.....eleven new doors later!!! 
Yikes, we are a little out of control, but trust me they were a really good deal that my husband "happened on". I'm not the only crazy shopper in this household.
 The upstairs furniture is working rather nicely downstairs.
As you can see, Christmas is just around the corner, so it's time to focus on that for now. 

I've been so busy this year I haven't had time to turn GRUMPY or WOBBLE this Christmas..... or maybe I'm just turning over a a new leaf. 

Plenty has been unpacked, but trust me there is still much to be done. I'm leaving it for January!!!!

I've missed the hum of my sewing machine these past months, but it's a great reminder of how much I love it.
Now that I've officially stopped unpacking, I might have a little more blogging time as well. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013


A few hours ago I was a tad several hours later I'm seriously overwhelmed, but progress is being made!!!! 
Last week the unfinished part of my basement was finally dry walled and painted.....time to go shopping for shelving. 
Did I mention I'm a storage junkie??? After the shelves were up I was chaffing at the bit to start unpacking, but alas, the floor still needed painting.

Ah....the painting has begun!!!
 I love my golden coloured floor and even the quilting frame, for the
long arm is set exciting!!!!

Now for the overwhelming part.....yikes, that's just some of the boxes!!!

Seriously....this could take a while. Unfortunately there won't be any quilting, until order is restored.....I'm really missing it. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Creating Some Calm in the Storm

 Here's one last look, at the view, from my son's hospital window (rather a quilt worthy view, in my opinion). I'm happy to report he came home on Friday and is doing really well. We even managed a family outing to Ikea over the weekend....that alone should tell you how things are going, 

Thank you so much, for your kind word, thoughts and means so much!! 
 Meanwhile we've been trying to create a little bit of calm in the midst of the chaos. After all one does need their computer!!
 And perhaps a sewing machine or two.....just perhaps.

Yup....there's the cutting table. Are you wondering what's up with all the plastic??

The basement has approximately 700 hundred square feet of unfinished space, besides the finished part. Unfortunately there are no windows in that area. So just what does a quilter do with a black hole of that magnitude??

Cut a door of course....and let the light from the patio doors shine in!!!!! We'll be putting in a french door.

Put up some drywall, add some lighting and electrical sockets, paint the floor.....and I will have more storage than I have ever had and a spot for the long arm.

 Of course this is rather a slow process and dusty to say the least.

Meanwhile, upstairs is becoming a little more orderly.
Slowly but surely things are coming together. 

I've even created a temporary closet until I can get around to ordering an Ikea system.

Lest you think things are under control.....remember this room, yup it is still piled high to the ceiling!!

Once again, thank you for all your wonderful comments and emails, I tried to answer as many as I could....a few might have slipped through the cracks.....your support as ever, means so much.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Leech Therapy...the Beauty of the Leech

 I have always found leeches to particularly gruesome....NOT ANYMORE!!! 

My amazing son had an accident with a saw.....several severed fingers later, we find ourselves embracing the beauty of the leech. The leeches are placed on the reattached finger every two hours, in order to keep the blood flowing. 

My son took the picture on the left, taking note of the leech's beautiful colours, as it does it's job. Ever the science teacher, he is quite fascinated and ever the artist, I found him sketching leeches on his iPad, with his good hand. 

Watching our son in pain has been extremely difficult but we are so thankful it wasn't any worse and that it's not his primary hand.

Ever the quilter, I went looking for some quilty inspiration in the hospital, as he rested.
My son's strength and humor in this difficult situation is an inspiration to me.....I'm so privileged to be the mother of such an amazing young man.