
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Help....I'm on Organization Overdrive!!

In other words,I am becoming obsessed......... NO, I am obsessed with creating the perfect work space, when we all know there is no such thing. So Instead of quilting I'm moving things around and sort of making myself crazy. Anyone else relate to that??

 This turquoise cart from Ikea just had my name written all over it!!

 Pretty isn't it....I love that I can roll it away when I'm not sewing at the cutting Bernina is sunk into the cutting table with a hydraulic lift, so convenient.

 Never underestimate the dollar store when it comes to containers....all the clear ones are from the dollar store.

 I even had my drill out yesterday to hang some shelves etc.

 It's coming along!!

On another note: Look what a certain person, in my household, left tacked to my design wall!!!!
As if I would take him to the fabric store with me....I'm not that dumb, then he would actually hear me say the words "I'll take the whole bolt".

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Every Nook and Cranny

Yes, believe it or not I'm still at it.....trying to find a home for all of my supplies. Seriously, I'm filling up every nook and cranny. 

Even though this is the storage area of my studio, I still want it to look inviting! Last summer I happened on some amazing Marimekko fabric for an unbelievable price.....I decided to display some of it and hide some of the storage bins at the same time.

 When all else fails don't forget to look's amazing what one can hang from the rafters!!! Also never underestimate the the value of the simple S Hook....Ikea carries them for a pretty reasonable price.

As you can see one can never have too many.

Even though I didn't manage any sewing, during Autumn's nap time I did manage to get some work done in the sewing room....I even had my drill out!! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Balancing Act

Not only am I a quilter.....I'm a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a grandmother and a friend. Often I fall short in all of the above, because finding balance is not always easy!!

 This week I'm in Grandma mode, as I have my little Autumn Claire (15 months) for the week....her parents and big sister are in Mexico, for a much needed vacation. Smiling brown eyes and dimples.....need I say more, we are so in love!!! There's a reason women my age don't have babies.....every evening my husband and I fall into our easy chairs exhausted, even though she is good as gold.

Just as I have more than one role so does the space I live quilting studio has to serve more than one purpose. I have the toys for the four grandchildren in a bedroom right next to my studio....this room also serves as a guest room for out of town guests. As you can see the playpen is all ready to go for my wee girl.

 My studio has to function as a family room and a home office as well as a sewing space. The cutting table makes a great craft table for my three year old granddaughters.....I love to nurture their creativity. My biggest challenge so far is to make the space look good (the stairwell from the upstairs is very open), have it function well and be safe for when the little ones are here.

The glass door hides a multitude of equipment.....needless to say, I have a lock on the door. Curious one- year olds and long-arms don't mix all that well.....I have a fear that my one year-old grandson will think of the frame as monkey bars.

As you can see, my fears aren't totally unfounded!!!

Behind those doors it's still a work in progress!!!!! During nap time I try to keep working, on getting this organized.

I even managed to finish this little sweater....I started it almost three years ago, sigh!!!

Sooon very sooon I hope to get some quilting done.....the quilter in me is feeling neglected!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


So, I'm a tad impulsive now and again!!! Just what can I blame it on.....the weather, moving weariness??? 

 Here is the latest addition in my almost set up studio. I have to admit it's a pure luxury item, and I'm not even sure what set me off in this direction....perhaps my underdeveloped free motion skills. 

 There....all put together, the table doesn't take very much space at all, with the drop down leaves and another nice feature is that the height is adjustable.

Now to figure this baby out.....pretty straight forward actually!!

Let's see where this takes me.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Slowly but surely, slowly being the operative word.....I'm making progress. In between moving my multiple piles of stuff, I'm actually starting to check a few things off the list.

 I was able to reuse my multiple panels for creating the design wall or should I say design walls (what can I say, one can never have enough design walls).....I had stacks of these panels sitting around, just waiting to be put up.

Having a black design wall, as well as a beige one is really helpful when auditioning fabrics for a project.

 With the two left over black panels, I created a display board for smaller finished pieces (sort of artsy, don't you think).

 A new door was put in (by my handy husband) letting lots of lovely light into the long arm area. Since there are no windows in this part of the basement this door is just the answer.

Naturally, I couldn't resist putting the rest of the panels in here. We even managed to get the long arm up on the frame and all wired up again.

Oh, and take a look at that fancy lighting!!!! These lights used to hang above the pool table at the old house. The pool table was donated to a good cause and we thought these lights would be wonderful above the long arm!!!

Trust me, there is still much to sort and organize but progress is being made!!