
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Is that the HUM of a Sewing Machine I Hear????

YES,YES,YES.......last week the hum of a sewing machine could actually be heard around here again. It was music to my ears and therapy to my rattled state of mind. A bad cold, a couple of migraine headaches, unexpected house guests and who knows what else has gotten in the way, of my sewing therapy and yes, therapy it is.

I'm actually up to my eyeballs in fabric, for a project that I can't blog about.....sigh. It's sort of a test project for another wonderful quilter and it's oh so amazing!!! I hate that I can't share my process with you, as I go along, but rest assured I'm taking plenty of pics along the way. Not being able to blog, about this particular project, makes me appreciate how much I enjoy blogging, during a project. I love sharing my process with you, but no worries, I'm sure there will be plenty more to share soon, as I usually have multiple projects on the go.....this move has so stifled that in me, during the last few I've missed it.

A Sewing Day, on Saturday, with the Edmonton Modern Quilt Guild will give me the opportunity to share a few ways to join some Quilt as You Go blocks. I'm so glad these girls are letting me practice my teaching skills on them.

Here are a few pics of a sample that I started for the Seba Beach Retreat last fall, incorporating: wide joining strips, narrow joining strips and borders. I'll be taking it to the demo on Saturday and just adding to it, as I go. In March, the Victoria Modern Quilt Guild will give me a chance to the same or something like it. I think the sample will just keep growing as the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild is interested as well.....hopefully that will be in May. 

Now back to my machine......or maybe a snack and some more Olympics!!


  1. Love that circle quilting!

  2. music to the ears! glad you are back at it, and I hope I get to meet you in May!

  3. Yeeha - great to see you back in action

  4. So glad you are back. Will you ever be able to tell what you are doing as a test quilter??

  5. I am glad you are back. I can't wait to see more amazingness in your posts. I am sure there are lots of us who would let you practice your teaching skills long distance too. :) (hint hint) I love your work.

  6. The sample looks good. Love the circular quilting. Have fun teaching.

  7. Wow....I didn't even notice there was another "Dolores" comment and spelled the same way!:)

  8. I haven't seemed to have a moment to sew either and I don't see that ending. Looking forward to hearing how the teaching goes!

  9. There is some eye-popping fabric in that piece. The circular quilting goes well.

  10. Glad to read that you are back to a bit of sewing. I have a project that I need to work on that is one of those can't show you right now projects too. It is hard not to share when you are having such a good time with what you are doing!

  11. I agree, there is something wonderful about the hum of a sewing machine :)
    I love your circle pattern quilting, so pretty :)
    Have a marvelous weekend.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  12. So glad to see a post from you. Here, it's therapy for the winter that won't quit!

  13. I'm so glad you are sewing, I bet you feel great doing it. You are a natural teacher, but practicing is also good.

  14. Good for you to be sewing again. Your projects look so colourful, they brighten up the start of my day!

  15. Hi Mari; I just "discovered" your blog via Crazy Mom Quilts. So many wonderful and inspiring quilts and wonderful tutorials. Wondering if you have a tutorial for your Urban Dresden quilt. I don't have a blog myself so I hope this comment comes through to you.

  16. OOH, i think I am working on the same 'secret' project. Shhhh! And yes, lots of fun!

  17. sorry, that wasn't Julian in the previous comment. That was me!

  18. Your work inspires me so much although I don't think I could do what you do. But I love seeing it.

  19. Can't wait to hear about the secret project but am loving the one you show!

  20. Looking forward to the reveal of the secret project. Love the pieces you have here.

  21. The excitement never ends with you. Amazing as always


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