
Sunday, March 2, 2014

I lost Control....somewhere along the way.

After years of sewing and other artistic pursuits, I have to face reality....I've sort of  totally lost control!! Moving and setting up in a new space has certainly brought my situation to light. Materials and supplies that are no longer relevant to what I'm doing are taking up precious space. One has to wonder how things can spin out of control so easily....but there you have it!! 

Time to take charge!! Now that's a scary thought. As you can see there are still plenty of "piles" to tackle. Honestly some days It just feels like I'm moving the piles from one place to another.....and dare I say it, then back again!!

 Lest you think we are totally snowed husband hung more shelves and a peg board for tools and such!! One can never have enough shelves, right??

 I even made a new pressing board and recovered an old one along the way. I like to staple some of that rubber drawer stuff or anti-slip area rug stuff to keep the board from slipping.

 Works like a charm!!

 Here is something else I finally managed to get my hot little hands on. I have been looking since the fall, with no luck, but happened on them at Winners, quite by accident and at the low price of $9.99. So cheap, I had to buy two sets.....okay, okay, so old habits die hard. That's how I lost control in the first place, I can sniff out a good sale a mile away and I have a tendency to buy multiples....what can I say!!!!

 In my defense....I do love to re-purpose thing, here is my old kitchen table (which didn't work all that well in this house) at the correct cutting height thanks to those handy dandy Bed Risers!! The baskets which I already had now fit under the table, such a space saver!!

 In the spirit of full disclosure .....all those baskets contain works in progress!!!

 As I was doing all this sorting and lamenting my lack of self-control, I came up with the idea to put a pressing board,  on one of the shelves beside, at sitting level, beside one of my little sewing desks. This works so well when I'm working on Log Cabin type Quilt as You Go type projects. I even cleared a shelf or two for colour sorted baskets of strips, creating an on going work zone for this type of project. 

It's the clearing of those shelves that really pushed me into re-evaluating what I need to keep and just what is unnecessary excess.

 So....let the purging begin!!! Here is just the start of getting things ready to donate. It would have been wise to sort and purge before we moved, but the house sold so quickly...there was no time.

On a different note....I had a great time at my Modern Quilt Guild Sew Day last Saturday!

 Good times..... and Gwen's fabulous project (on the wall) just ignited several ideas for me.I love when that happens!!

The ladies let me practice teaching the Joining of QAYG Blocks......thanks ladies, the more practice the better!!!


  1. I am re-thinking my artsy-craftsy-ness...I am scrapbooking, and crocheting and have laid my quilts to rest for a bit--but am not feeling fulfilled despite the must be this cold, snowy weather here...I need Springtime, I think....julierose

  2. i try very hard to not get more then i all parents say "your eyes are bigger then your stomach" ...i promised myself i would only buy fabric that i needed to finish up my WIP's before i set out on any new projects
    i have to say it has been hard to say the least

  3. Nothing, nothing, nothing inspires me more than your blog. I found you through Melody's Fibermania and between the two of you, have begun to recapture some of the creativity I once experienced at a peak point in my life. You've no idea how your posts just fall down into the quiet spaces of my self, and the wonderful result is an energy that compels me to get into my studio. Please know you are SO appreciated.

    1. What a lovely thing to have just made my day. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.

  4. You sound so overwhelmed! Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and soon you will have accomplished the impossible. I don't know said that - please, I am not that profound! - but it helps me when I feel overwhelmed. The other thing I do that helps is to watch several episodes of a show called Hoarders. After watching that all I want to do is clean and donate or sell all the stuff I have that I don't really need or want anymore. I think your organizational ideas are great and repurposing makes so much sense. Hang in there and you will figure it all out!

  5. Letting you hair down in public, yet again. You are inspiring me to try and gain control of my studio space. Wanna come over and help out? Thank you for sharing all the great ideas and giving that push to get going.

  6. Where would I get in touch with you about coming to teach for our guild?

    1. Since you are set up as a no reply blogger I will answer here. You can reach me at

  7. I'd love to know the same thing... would love to suggest that our guild invite you to come do a trunk show/lecture and workshop the next day. Sunny coast of California, if that helps. :)

    1. Hi Liz, since you are set up as no reply I'll answer you here. You can email me at

  8. I love that pressing board idea, and I may have to steal it! :)

  9. Glad I'm not alone : ) Love all that luscious yarn in the first photo. I discovered Beehive Wool shop last time we were there. Oh my!


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