
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Love Hate Relationship

Yesterday I hit that inevitable LOVE HATE relationship with my project....yup, the one I can't blog about. Yikes, now I can't even get a second opinion from my fellow bloggers.
You know what I'm talking about, right? One minute you are in love, the next the minute....."What the bleep was I thinking?" is muttered under your breath more than once. Okay, maybe out loud is a little more accurate!!  I can't even get an unquilterly opinion from my husband, as he is away on business....ah, a nice few days on my own, except for this love hate thing going on and then there's the deadline to stress about.
This morning I made some headway and I just may be in love again.....but you never know, talk to me in an hour. Of course, then there's the aftermath...................

 Yup, fabric everywhere.....sort of the down side of my crazy process!!

 I did pick up this wonderful book, the other day.....well worth reading!!!  So happy to see so many amazing quilters in this book!!! As you can see I am rather easily side tracked.

Well, back at it.....I so hope I'm still in love when I go back to my design wall!!


  1. Ah...come don't have a best bud that you could swear to secrecy to ask what they think? Of course you do!!:)

  2. We publish book reviews on our guild blog if you want to write one up for us! See you Thursday.

  3. Keep blabbing out you frustrations - even if they are in 'code' sometimes sharing this way can help you see the way out
    Good luck

  4. Genius comes with moments of indecision! :-) :-)

  5. You are such a tease! You know we will all love it when you have it completed.

  6. when you both love and hate something, you're probably on the right track, but I suggest leaving it overnight or longer and looking at it again another day.

  7. uh oh...i hope you find the love again. your quilts are always amazing!

  8. I am sure you will work it through but I totally get what you mean.

  9. and soon it will be a hate love relationship and it will be done and it will be fabulous! (and you'll let us all see it!)

  10. Sometimes going with that gut feeling actually leads you to the decision that you have already made but have not discovered. Good luck with the project.

  11. Totally understand this post. Feel like that so often about projects. Right now it is a love hate with my hexies. Love the look of the project so far but totally getting a hate on for making hexies.

  12. Having gone through this process and come out the other end will make you love it even more eventually! You are welcome to send me a photo for some on-distance musing, it will go no further! but of course you have that close pal that Dee mentioned :-) and anyway, you are your own best judge as you'll find it so obvious when the light shines through! Best of luck xx

  13. I have one of those projects on my wall right now…so I totally get what you are saying. Maybe today will be the day that I get back to it….

  14. This is my favorite Quilt book.. oh it was freeing to read

  15. I've come to know that the 'hateing part' is the 'out of my comfort zone' and 'learning something new part' and have come to embrace it for that reason. Welcome back to Victoria.

  16. Hang in there . . . everything you do comes out so beautifully I'm sure this will too.

  17. That is a familiar frustration! But your quilts are just lovely, and I'm sure this one will be no different. So intrigued by the mystery. . . can't wait for the big reveal! Best of luck to you as you go through the making process!

  18. I have a love hate relationship with my house. Just plowed threw the hate parts and enjoy the love to come!

  19. I loved this book too. It introduced me to some new and wonderful quilters. I can totally relate to the love/hate with your secret project. I made a test quilt for I think the same artist and with a tight deadline can't decide whether it is good or garbage. Yours is no doubt wonderful:)


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