
Monday, April 21, 2014

Saying Goodbye

On Easter Sunday, my Mom passed away at the age of 85. 
She was a wonderful artist.

 Here sits her still.

 Mom's 85th Birthday, last July. 

 I made this quilt for her birthday. 

I was testing Cheryl Arkison's pattern "Stripes" for her book A Month of Sundays and as the quilt progressed, it just seemed to have Mom's name on it. The colours reminded me of her weaving. 

Her death was very sudden....and now we face the process of saying goodbye. She lived a full, healthy, and very creative life, filled with family and friends. 

Thank you so much, for all your heartfelt comments. Your kindness warms my heart during this difficult time.

Every evening, since her stroke, I sit snuggled under this quilt......and I suspect that will continue, for many evenings ahead.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Waiting and Wondering........

Last week I walked along the river.......

Spotting pussy willows along the way.

I even saw a beaver actively building his dam.

Yesterday, my Mom had a massive today, we sat in the hospital, waiting and wondering.
Just last week, my Mom was recovering well from cataract surgery, anticipating spring and adjusting to her newly improved eyesight. It doesn't look good.

We are in shock, but thankfully we are together as a we wait together.

Friday, April 11, 2014

A Clean Dress....Really???!!!

We've come a long way, baby. One of my sewing buddies saw fit to put this on facebook today. I just had to share it with you.

As it was our quilting day today, they actually had to the audacity to suggest my house be spotless, before they arrived and they expected to find me in a clean dress. I even own a dress. Never mind, this set the tone for the day and we did more laughing than quilting today.

As I read it to my husband he said "EXACTLY!....oh, to live in that time!!" My response to him was....oh never mind, you can imagine my response.
We have come a long way.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Low Volume.....Now that's a Scary Thought!!!

When you buy a red sectional, low volume cushions might just be the way to go.

Yup....I went a little crazy today, testing out low volume type cushions. Even my painting above the sectional is fairly quiet. I tried a much brighter painting there, but it was just too much.

I really love this particular one, on my low volume there such a thing as a low volume chair?  Believe it or not I'm actually entertaining the thought of making a low volume type quilt....gasp...I know!!!  It's highly unlikely that I will actually accomplish such a feat.

My last project...sorry, the one I can't share, is definitely high volume, sounds so much more sophisticated than loud, don't you think?? And, there is a wall, far enough away, from the red sectional, that just might become the home, for that very colour loaded quilt.

Scary as it might be for this colour junkie.....I just might be making me a low volume quilt. Remember, I did say maybe.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What Next??

As usual, after completing a large project, I'm feeling a little lost....not quite sure which project to tackle,next. There's certainly not a shortage of Works in Progress kicking around.  BUT ....... there is always the call of something new.

While in Victoria, I did a small trunk show and gave a short talk for the Victoria Modern Quilt Guild. What a fabulous group of quilters. Fifty-two quilters at the meeting!!! That's fantastic for a group that just started last fall. Thanks so much for letting me practice on you.

 Here's me waxing eloquent.....or here's me hoping I did!

Or at the very least, do I look like I know what I'm talking about? Lets hope!!!

Well....I could finish unpacking and sorting, from our move last fall, but that's no fun. I better cook me up a new project to work on.

I did spend the day with my fellow Blockheads helping a fellow Blockhead with a stalled project.....we all know how projects just get stalled out now and again. Don't tell anyone but we actually gab more than we quilt.  The girls then took me out for a belated birthday my quilting buddies.