
Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Creative What?????

So...we are sitting on the ferry to Vancouver this morning and I am calmly reading a quilting magazine, like any other good traveling quilter does. The calm part doesn't last long and suddenly I'm in the throws of quilterly excitement as ideas start bouncing around my brain...Ah!!! Yes!!! That's It!!! My husband looks over at me in and says "It sounds like you are having an orgasm!!" I just about fell off my seat laughing....yes, yes, yes I manage to gasp I'm having a "Creative Orgasm"!! Joy just sort of bubbled over after that.......I needed that belly laugh, and a "Creative Ogasm" on top of it. YES! YES! Good thing that happened before we got out of the car....I might just have made a spectacle of myself.

Now, I'm just in the right frame of mind to teach my "Creating Large Working Small" worshop.

Drinking in Vancouver's Beauty did me a world of good as well. 

I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with Vancouver's Modern Quilt Guild....I'll keep you posted.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A creative orgasm is required to conceive a great quilt pattern!!! It happens when one is in love with quilting :-)

  3. You are going to have so much fun with the Vancouver folks!

  4. Bwhahahaaa......great to hear your laughter in the words!

    Those two photos would make great quilts!:)

  5. So looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.

  6. Lucky you there on a gorgeous sunny Vancouver day!

  7. haha . . . what a way to put it. Would love to be able to take a class from you.

  8. HA!!!!! Great to get into the mood before a class!!!!! Love the scenery in your pictures!!!!! It seems so fresh and breathtaking!!!!!! Have fun!!!!

  9. LOL! Love it! Can't wait to see what comes of it!

  10. You are a hoot. But sometimes that's just how inspiration comes!!! Anxious to see the outcome!

  11. Thanks for the laugh ;-)) I'm now off to wipe my screen clean again ;-))

  12. I think you husband should get you a subscription to every quilt magazine you desire!

  13. So funny! Can't wait to see this orgasmic quilt! By the way, how are your command hooks working out for you? Are they still holding your design walls up? I'm thinking about trying them, and wondered how they were working for you.

  14. Your blog in insightful and entertaining


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