
Monday, May 19, 2014

Just Start Slicing

Let's just start.....when I'm coming up empty in the creativity department, sometimes It just helps to do something, anything!! The doing seems to set something in motion. So, in a moment of craziness I started slicing up some perfectly good QAYG blocks I made last year.

Alrighty then....some ideas are starting to percolate.


  1. Hmmm. Possibilities. I like that!

  2. I love watching your design process.

  3. I love all your work! I'm intrigued with your "slice them up", for lack of a better word, pieces. My question is--how do you insert them. Looks as if it does take a bit of planning. At some point could you explain your process. I've looked through some of your posts but can't find any explanation. Thanks. Sally

  4. I'm like Sally...can't see the forest for the trees...haha. Seriously, now that you've sliced and diced...what's the next step??? Another tutorial, maybe???

    1. Such a good question....too bad I don't have an answer yet. I have a few ideas simmering so, I'll post along the way.

  5. It's always interesting to see what you come up. I admire your courage at cutting into something. I'm too much a planner for your free approach.

  6. You may have seen this article already, but in case not, you did EXACTLY what writer suggests...just do something!

  7. Great plan, I hope you are moving along with the project now.

  8. This does look pretty intriguing to me - will be fun to see how you continue ;-)

  9. I too love to watch your process and learn so much as you move through it! Thanks for sharing in such detail, it is helpful and inspiring! I have learned so much from your blog :)


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