
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Somewhat of a Blur

The last seven or eight weeks have been somewhat of a blur for me. After my Mom's death on Easter Sunday, there was the flurry of planning a funeral and taking care of all the details of loosing a loved one.

 Shortly after that it was off to Victoria....then to Seattle....back to Victoria.

Then off to Vancouver where I was teaching a Quilt as You Go workshop....what a fabulous group of quilters!!!

Then off to Montreal for Jessica's graduation.

 I'm so proud of my beautiful girl....she received her Masters in Educational Technology

After a whirlwind of activity and spectacular weather.....back to Alberta.

My husband is off on business and sailing for the next ten days or so.....and you know what that means!!!! Time for quilting!!! 

In all honesty, in the midst of all the activity, my heart is heavy with comes in waves and abates only to come again. The stillness of my studio is calling.....


  1. My deepest sympathy for the loss of your mom. You've been up to a lot lately so say it mildly. Lucky, lucky who got to attend your QAYG workshop, wish I was among them. Hope that you find comfort with your creations.

  2. Rest now and enjoy your quiet time doing what you love. The pictures are great! You are looking G O O D!!!!

  3. Congrats to you all....what a fabulous photo!

    Now....go take that 10 days and rejuvenate and if you find yourself feeling down don't worry about it...remember the great times with your loving mom and enjoy the memories!:)

  4. Let yourself grieve and hopefully your quiet studio will help you to remember all the happy times you had with your Mom...hugs and good thoughts, Julierose

  5. Grief just will not be controlled...up and down and all around.. I hate it, as I know you do too. There is nothing like being immersed in a project. It is just starting it that I find difficult..hugs from Charlotte.

  6. Please just let the grief happen. For me that was the best way to get past it. When it happened my mind naturally seemed to remember good times. The loss was still there, but it was tempered. Crying always hurts, but I feel better afterward. Hopefully creating something will take you to a place of comfort.

  7. I hope you find some peace now you have a chance to be still. Hugs xx

  8. Congratulations on your daughter's big achievement! So sorry for your loss - I understand - just know, it's a journey, hope you enjoy getting back to your quilting.

  9. Congrats to Jessica! You must be so proud of her.

    Be kind to yourself and you'll find peace. ((hugs))

  10. So sorry for your loss. I can say it will take time. It has been almost two years for me and I still can't even talk about my mom and it brings all kinds of things back. I still finish a quilt and want to show it to her and then a wave of grief again. I don't know if that will ever go away.
    Congrats to Jessica! I hope you find comfort in your work.

  11. It's OK to grieve. It's a healing process but you never quite get over the will always miss them. It will get easier as time goes on, though. One day we'll all be reunited :)


    Time for some quilting therapy and have some time alone.

  12. grief does come in waves because it was full on steady we would never be able to survive…watch children deal with grief…they just grieve until it becomes too much and them they put it away and go play…you will find it hits and drains you and then you can go play…my thoughts are with you…it is hard to loose your mother
    enjoy those ten days to immerse yourself in quilting

  13. So sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. Thank goodness for sewing and other celebratory events. Next time you come to Seattle, I'd love to meet you!

  14. My heart goes out to you for your loss. My Mom died on December 2nd (last year) and I, too, am grieving (and I'm the executor of her estate, which has it's own hassles).

    Sewing is good therapy in many ways. Enjoy the solitude and think of your Mom with love.

    :) Linda

  15. I am sorry to hear about your mother mine died years ago and I think of her most every dose get easy with time. but you have a great looking family, so with there help and some down time sewing you will get true

  16. I've been where you are and know that keeping busy with things we love really helps. Look forward to seeing some new creations.

  17. My sincerest sympathy on the loss of your mom. Don't be afraid to feel your grief. It may take a year to feel "normal" again. Sometimes it helps to find a grief group where you can talk about how you feel after others think you should move on.

    1. Thanks for your kind words....I know these things take time. I am so fortunate, I have so many wonderful people in my life.

  18. Life is so complicated, so many different kind of moments. But it takes a long while to deal with the loss of one's parent - I hope you are able to just play with some fabric, with no pressures or expectations and take some time to just look after yourself.

  19. Hope your mother had a beautiful life;)

    Next time you're in Seattle let me know.

    1. She did....and knowing that really does help. Thanks and yes I will.

  20. You have been so busy! Congratulations to your daughter! 10 days of studio time sounds like a blessing.

  21. I hope you find solace in your studio...

  22. Thank you so much for coming out and teaching in Vancouver during your difficult times. At last night's meeting we had more QAYG completed projects at show and tell. Take care and hugs.

  23. Mari, I have missed your posts. Yes, you are looking good, too!
    I am sorry for the loss of your mom. I know the grief you feel, and it can knock you off your feet. It can come out of nowhere, huh? Enjoy your quiet time, and congratulations to you and your daughter. Good job!

  24. Oh Mari, I am so very sorry for your loss. I have no words of wisdom, grief is so personal I dare not intrude. Only know that you have huge hugs winging their way across the oceans to you. And I hope you are finding comfort in your family and your creativity. Much love, Jules xx

    1. Thanks so much....everyone has been really wonderful.

  25. I hope that in the stillness of your studio, and when the wave hits again (and I'm sure we all have experienced it to some degree) that the memories will bring a smile to your face and the pain will lessen. You are a remarkable person who has touched so many lives (more than you realize I'm sure), I hate to see you in pain, and hope the creative process is healing as well. Much respect. Maureen

  26. Glad you're back (in more ways than one!) and that you have time to grieve now, and process. I understand the "waves" thing - I went through the same thing when my mother passed on. Wishing you peace.


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