
Friday, August 22, 2014

Simple Techniques / Complex Results

I thought I would give you a little update on my "Picking up the Pieces" quilt.

 Sometimes a combination of simple techniques can result in fairly complex results......or am I just kidding myself and it looks like a complicated mess. I'm not sure yet.

 I have one more row of blocks to add...

 Here is a detail shot.....

 Even the back looks a little....well, I'm not sure what it looks like.

 Joining the rows...

Another quick shot of the quilt back.

I'm off to the coast tomorrow so finishing this one will have to wait until I get back. I'm so looking forward some walks along the water!!


  1. I enjoy the graphic tension and movement of this quilt and the back is a fun surprise. Hope you enjoy your visit to the coast.

  2. Definitely NOT a complicated mess!! I like the front as much as the back. It truly is wonderful! Enjoy your walks on the beach :)

  3. Not only do I love the colours and sharp angles, but I am drawn to the quilting lines. Front and Back are so interesting.

  4. I think it is beautiful!! I would have to start with a pot holder first. Before I would have the courage to try anything bigger.

  5. You know, at first when you were working on this I didn't care much for it - it didn't seem to have any direction and the colors seemed less appealing. But seeing the thing all put together just goes to show that it pays to keep forging ahead sometimes. It kind of reminds me of a Frank Lloyed Wright stained glass window, only more interesting! I love it! You really are a gifted artist! I love the back almost as much as the front, by the way!

  6. Love this, front and back! May I ask what table/cabinet you are using for your 710? I have the 750 currently sitting on a folding table so would like something to set it in so I can have a flat surface. Thanks!

  7. As I look at this piece (and I've followed your progress), I personally feel that the one who was constructing it is no longer the one who IS constructing there's a feeling of chaos along the thread lines....something is causing you discomfort, something just isn't sitting right. This may well be a finely done transition piece as you move to a new set of realizations and a different regard for the world. Happy coastal time!

  8. I love it!!!! Not a mess at all!!!!

  9. Well your work never disappoints. I like it a lot and yet understand your question. More always seems to work in your work. So glad to see you active. I envy your trip to the coast. Missing it in Ontario.

  10. Such amazing and creative work. I'm totally taken by it!

  11. Well, picking up the pieces is so not easy. Perhaps that is your quandary..Good to leave it be for awhile. Most of the time we have no choice anyway.

  12. I have to say this is one of my favorites. So much movement!

  13. I love it and the interesting part that caught my eye immediately was the white and black sashing and the way it looks like a diagonal shadow. Very clever.

  14. I love how this one is coming together! Enjoy the ocean walks, it should be perfect weather now, not sweltering.

  15. I loved the blocks as you were making them, but to my eye, the black and white joining strips isolate each block, instead of unifying them. Now that could very well be your intent, and if so, you have succeeded very well indeed.

    And I'm sorry, but somehow this orignally got posted to the previous blog post. I have no clue how that occurred.

    1. I'm still not sure what my intention is with this piece.

  16. Breathtaking! Enough repetition to unify; enough variety to interest. The small strips inside the various triangles do a lot toward unifying.

  17. I started following you when I saw the start of this quilt; I thought it was beautiful! I love the way it has come together. Your quilting is so inspiring.

  18. Love the 2 color sashing strips. It gives completely different look. Gorgeous.


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