
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Little Carried Away

I got a little carried away making wonky curved piecing blocks for an upcoming workshop in Whistler, at the end of the month. I know I've been sort of missing in action, the last little while. So losing myself in these demo blocks today, was pure delight!!!

These Grunge fabrics by Moda are pure delight. I'm using layer cake sized squares (10 inches) rather than the 20 inch blocks I usually start with, because I want smaller blocks to demo.

Some upcoming renovations should just add to the chaos that has been my life lately..... cork floors in my studio will be fabulous. Yes I will be craziness but sooooo worth it.


  1. I can see why! They're an awful lot of fun to look at. :)

  2. Wondered where you were!! I missed you :) After moving myself over 2,000 miles, I'm just getting my sewing room in order. Would love cork floors in my room. Love the curves :)

    1. That moving thing can be such a pain....and it does seem to take forever setting up the studio. Thanks and yes the cork will be fabulous.

  3. Looking forward to meeting you in November at the VMQG meeting. these look so much fun!

    1. They are lots of fun, that's for sure. I don't think I'll be in Victoria for the November meeting....that's too bad.

  4. I'm glad you are having some fun!

  5. Love them all of course! The curves and fabric colors are amazing!

  6. This is one of the coolest techniques out there. Youmake it look so easybut it is quite challenging! (At least for me.) Love the results. Love everything you do. :)

  7. Thanks Carrie...I have a tutorial on this technique and there is a fabulous little video on peicing curves by Leanne from She Can Quilt on there, that is really helpful.

  8. You do curves so well - love looking at them.

  9. So lovely to read that you're losing yourself in fun sewing! Jx


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