
Sunday, November 2, 2014

I Sort of Lost My Blogging Mojo

but never fear..... I haven't lost my quilting mojo!!!

Life has a way.....but I'll catch you up on what's been going on in my world.

I finished making a quilt for my little great niece, Abigail, using workshop demo blocks. I love the bright colours and guess what???? Abigail's room is painted purple....what a wonderful coincidence!!!

 Abigail's Quilt (front)

Abigail's Quilt (back)
In September, I did a two day workshop for my guild, the Edmonton Modern Quilt Guild.
As you can see.... lots of "Wonky Curves" happening.

 Gwen's wonderful blocks....she's looking happy!!!
 Heather....isn't that lovely!

Would you look at the wonderful quilting, on these fabulous blocks!!!
Good times! Wendy did such a fabulous job planning our first workshop and she even managed to find a venue less than 10 minutes from home. Thanks Wendy!!!!
With that workshop completed, I had to prepare for my upcoming workshop in Whistler. Since all my demo blocks were gone....time to make more.
I decided I would make several wonky curved blocks in two different sizes....naturally I got carried away!!!!
Then off to Whistler....this was the view from the hotel room!!!

 Soooo beautiful!!!!
 Such a fabulous room....look at those high ceilings, and there was a whole wall of windows with a lovely view!!! 

I did a trunk show on Friday evening and a two day work shop after that. The ladies were so friendly and welcoming....I had a wonderful time!!!
Below is some of the incredible work that came out of the workshop....I love watching as everyone's work starts to come alive!

Thank you for letting me share my process with you. I was thrilled at all the creativity sizzling in the room. 


  1. U should be so thrilled with yourself teaching and all.. And the beautiful views..stunning. Sounds like just a wonderful time.

  2. Thanks for all the great photos. It's so fun seeing all the happy satisfied faces!

    Rough...having to go somewhere with that view!;)

  3. Those views! And some great blocks!!

  4. We had missed you but you rewarded us with all the photos of these great projects!

  5. Your Abigail's quilt is stunning! And your workshop participants all look so happy with their quilt blocks. I wish I were closer so I could take your class. Loving theose curves...hugs, Julierose, a big fan of your work...

  6. It's interesting that the colors in the quilts generally reflect the outfits on the quilters. Our relationship with color runs deep.

    1. We talked and laughed about that in the workshops.....I have found that to be so true, myself included.

  7. I didn't lose my blogging mojo, just my sewing mojo…….you have it much better, my dear! Look at all the creativity…..WOW! Love all the students blocks. Wish I could have been there too.

  8. The curvy blocks with curvy quilting are great. I love those.

  9. Missed your posts but the wait was worth it. Love all the photos.

  10. Wow! I would love to be able to attend one of your workshops!

  11. I never thought for one minute you werent busy! What fun classes, I would love to be in one of your workshops!

  12. Lovely! What an amazing technique which can lead to such amazing diversity and beauty! Are you going to Quiltcon in February? Just wondering...

    1. Thanks Carrie and yes I do plan on going to Quilt Con.

  13. Your students do so well because they have such a good and inspirational teacher. What a lovely spot to teach.

  14. I agree with Leanne ~ ~ you are obviously a wonderful and inspiring teacher. I'd love to sit at your feet in person, but am so grateful for your blog as a substitute!

  15. Oh those blocks are amazing! I'd love to take a class with you! That last picture should be a post card! Lovely.

  16. Fabulous View!! I love Abigails quilt!!

  17. Those Whistler ladies are awesome! Great work from both workshops, Marianne.

  18. I love Abigail's quilt!!! Beautiful as always :)

    Those gals are awesome!! Such great pieces. Must be the great teacher they had :)

  19. My goodness you have been busy! Abigail's quilt turned out beautiful! Your student's work is wonderful!

  20. Dropping by from the Blogathon Canada 2014 blog hop..... So nice to meet you! Those wonky curves are incredible and the spiral quilting does so much to enhance the design. Lovely work on all! And I bet Abigail is thrilled with her new quilt, too. It's so pretty!

  21. I love the quilt for your great niece. The purple and orange work wonderfully together!

  22. Fantastic work at your workshops. Wish I was there. Thanks for being a part of the blogathon.

  23. Stopping by from the blogathon today. Your quilts are beautiful and I love your photos of Whistler - I lived there in the 80's for quite some time and it's still one of the prettiest places I've ever been!

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