
Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Time of Reflection

For many of us New Year's Eve is a time of reflecting over the past year and pondering things to come in the new. I'm not really one for a lot of resolutions and goals, but the idea of choosing a word for the upcoming year, really speaks to me. So that is what I did a year ago. The word was very personal to me, but as I navigated some of the storms, of the last year it served me well.

Last year was more about getting through than attaining any major quilting goals.....or any other goals for that matter. My quilting was more of a life raft than anything else.....but what a glorious life raft it was. It was a place for me to breath. Three quilts are the result.

Picking up the Pieces

Finding My Way Home

Shards of Glass

The words that moved me most this year came out of the mouth of our three year old, granddaughter, Autumn. After a bit of tiff with her older sister she came down stairs and said "Mommy, my heart is frozen." A little while later she said "My heart is thawed out now."

The sun is shining through the windows, as I sit typing this morning.....and my heart feels not quite so frozen. My word for 2016 is "PERMISSION". Ah, the freedom of that word. I'm giving myself permission to be happy, to let go, to move on............and what ever else comes to mind. Permission to create, to say yes, to say other words permission to follow my heart.

Thank you for your support over the last year.....your comments are alway so positive and uplifting. Your kindness means so much to me.

I wish you all the best for the New Year



  1. Those kids are clever! I wish you the best New Year!

  2. What a good word and thought. I have been trying to think of a word for my new year for days and days. I think I have come up with mindfulness.

  3. Lovely "healing" quilts! I was going to say "All the best in your permissive year"...but that does not sound quite right so how about "All the best in 2016".

    1. Thanks Esther....permissive sounds good to me. LoL!!!

  4. Thanks for sharing Marianne - you spoke from the heart and it is inspiring. May we all have warm - unfrozen - hearts this year.

  5. Wonderful and all the best to you this coming year!!

  6. Love your word . . . by all means, give yourself permission to enjoy life in 2016.

  7. I love the idea of a word to set a personal intention for the new year. You picked a good one.

    1. Thanks Susan....I think a word is much better idea than a whole list I'll probably forget about.

  8. I always enjoy your posts, Marianne, AND your quilts. You give me new thoughts to ponder and new inspiration to fuel my creativity. I appreciate you. Blessings to continue growing and inspiring in 2016.

  9. Your quilts are insane! I love your sharp designs, they look very unique :) Happy New Year! Hannah :)

  10. Hi! I just came to visit your blog after another blogger recommended it because I am experimenting with QAYG. Yours is a different method - that I thought would be too fiddly - but you make it seem totally do-able! So thanks! Love your quilts!


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