
The Studio

I've slowly started taking over the whole house. I love having so much space dedicated to my art. For many years I would just find a corner in the house. Now that my four kids are grown up and moved out, I can spread out guilt free. 

I'm always looking for new storage ideas or moving things around.  Nothing is built in, so I can rearrange to my hearts content. I also have friends that come and sew with me on a regular basis, so I like making room for them too.


  1. Wow!!...All I can say is that you have such a beautiful life!!

  2. This is a quilter's dream!! Would love to see more pictures.

  3. Hi Connie
    I tried to answer your comment via email, but it bounced back. I do have more pictures in my Flickr Photostream. Thanks for your positive comments.

  4. It is a beautiful space!
    But be careful of those fabrics exposed to the light (Sorry, I work at a museum and always mindful of things like that.)

  5. Thanks, I actually close the blinds, when I'm not in there. I also have a curtain in front of the closet that holds most of the stuff.

  6. I shall not covet! I shall not covet!

    Oh too late!

    Love the spaces and the stash

  7. Thanks so much Marianne....can you believe it, I'm still running out of space.

  8. Hi MariQuilts!
    What an amazing space you have! It looks like my version of heaven :-) Can I ask what machine(s) you use? I've been making due with my mom's old machine from the 1950s ... then my friend gave me her mom's old machine, from the 1960s! They're both sturdy old singers but I'm ready for a better set up.
    Any advice you coudl give would be much appreciated!

  9. fabulous your work

  10. I am so envious of your beautiful space(s). I live in a small condo (650 sq.ft. total) so I'm very limited in my space and everything has to go away all the time. Just started to learn QAYG last month and am enjoying it. My teacher told me about this website. Beautiful.

  11. Thanks, Angela.....just curious who your teacher is? I'm glad you're enjoying QAYG.

  12. Can you tell me where I can find instructions to your monogamy quilt?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Judy....I tried emailing but I’m not sure if you got my email. I don’t which quilt you are referring to. I don’t have a monogamy quilt??

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